
Saturday 2 November 2013

National Conference And The Clash Of Interests By Abiola Akintunde

National Conference And The Clash Of Interests By Abiola Akintunde
Many opinions have trailed the issue of national conference that President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan (GEJ) has purposely inaugurated an advisory committee on just to advice him whether to host it or allow it and the form it will take if it is hosted or allowed. The voices that echoes around the national conference are either pros or cons depending on the interest represented, facts available, daily bread source, and political gains.
The majority of the people have refused to believe the possibility of the national conference because they are avoiding to be fooled by the best president nay the best man known not to ever honour his words with fulfillment for once except those that will grace his bank accounts with cash influx. Some people have been opposing this national conference that is yet to be berthed not because they hate the man that is considering to hold it (in person of GEJ) but because they are not sure about his intentions and they doubt it will be in the people’s best interest which is the reason they are clamouring that the conference should be granted the status of sovereignity.
Some have been opposing it because they felt that the man who is now proposing it now was once the one that opposed it, and what could make you visit a house you once vowed never to visit again except that you know the visit would be in your best interest. This sudden change of mind by a man that has proven to be dubious. This sudden change of mind can only be attached to the personal and political interest of His Excellency; President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. Others that oppose every intention of the national conference are those that don’t just trust any word that comes from GEJ and will go out to check if it is really raining when he says it is raining.
However, some are really into the idea of national conference and they are waiting so much in anticipation for it because they felt it is going to be a pathway for national unity, growth, development, freedom, prosperity and happiness and that which will improve our infant democracy but they are like those that wish to walk on waters and not sink and see in the dark without visual aid or enhancement, they only wish for the impossible. While others are in support just to bark off those that are against the utterances and decisions of President GEJ who provides for them their daily bread without considering how foolish and anti-people they are. These people are not better than a dog, fed just to bark off those that are not friends but not necessarily enemies and are worst than those that commit genocides on large scale for they speak for the effects the people suffer under the kleptocratic rule that their master represents and they speak against the good which will liberate the people into freedom, prosperity and happiness just because it is coming from those that seek to enlighten their master.
To talk about the selfish interest of Goodluck Ebele Jonathan is to show how protective he can be to protect their kleptocratic interest like in the case of Chief DSP Alamieyeseigha been prevented by Mr President from been extradited to United Kingdom to face trial on money laundering, and granted State Pardon for embezzling and laundering Bayelsa State funds, or how President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan technically suspends Miss Stella Oduah by avoiding her in the public while she continue to amass wealth for herself using the Ministry of Aviation as the platform. Or how he turned the SURE-P meant to alleviate the difficulties caused by fuel subsidy removal into GEJ ALERT to grace the bank accounts of his defences robustly in ensuring the transformation agenda of protecting and ensuring his very interest and that of his fellow kleptocrats; corruption and looting, while assuring his second tenure without respect for rule of law, or how the palliative measures he promised after his unpopular controversial removal of fuel subsidy in 2012 has turned scandal that even stained the garment of the national assembly with what looks like palm oil or blood in good quantity, or how he promised to cut the executive salaries by 25% but have continually be cushioned and padded by what they embezzle, or how panels and committees whose recommendations will be found with roasted plantain and maize sellers has become the transformational solutions to the yearnings of the people. This is the reason I never bought the idea of ‘there will be a national conference’ and in case of suprises, I am sure that Goodluck Ebele Jonathan’s national conference won’t serve the interest of the people which is freedom, liberation from poverty and bad quality of life, prosperity, happiness and sovereignity.
People will never have a just cause to be at war with one another as far as their interest is protected and secured, which is the major reason talks, conferences and dialogues are always the way to assure this. If there will be national conference, it is not to decide how we want to practice our religion nor how to relate with one another for that is as good as settled. We want to have a national conference to emphasize the sovereignity of the people, to remould government into an instrument that will facilitate the welfarism and security of the people to their truest meaning, to assure our rights, our freedom, our prosperity and our happiness as a people, and if this will happen, we must be the one to represent ourselves and the conference must be attended by everyone in the country as far as they can speak for themselves and thus, the conference should only hold when the participation of the majority is ensured. We must not be represented by those that are responsible for where we are today, by those whose existence sustains the kleptocracy we see, by those which kleptocracy serve. In a kleptocratic government like ours, any national conference called has served its purpose even before it is conceived; to increase the personal wealth and political power of government officials and that of the ruling class at the expense of the vast majority of people while pretending and saying everything that will make it look like they are serving the people they continually steal from and whose commonwealth they loot, embezzle and launders. You must have been familiar with so many excerpts of GEJ speeches and this is one of my favourites “However, we are in a democracy, and in a democracy; elected leaders govern at the behest of the citizenry. As challenges emerge, season after season, leaders must respond with best available strategies to ensure that the ship of state remains undeterred in its voyage. Nations rise to the challenges that each epoch presents. It is imperative therefore, that in our march to nationhood, we have to be dynamic in our approach and response to the problems, even as we seek solutions to them. We cannot proffer yesterday’s solutions to today’s problems. It was my view that Government is a continuum and that we must find ways to strengthen the foundation of our Union” but as others, it meant nothing but more corruption, bad quality of life, deteriorating economy, discouraging political affairs, unrespected civil rights, continual growth towards oligarchy and resonating poverty.
It is not an opinion, hypothesis, or premise anymore that the interest of our ruling class and that of these undesired minority kleptocrats are at loggerheads with ours and they can not represent us anymore. The so much envisaged national conference outcome will be a product of the clash of interests between the great majority of our people and that of the unwanted, undesirable very small kleptocrats. Whether the national conference will take place or not rest in our hands, how it will take place and the form it will take is our decision and not that of the advisory committee set up by the presidency nor by the presidency itself. We must therefore be resolute in building a genuine and productive democracy with our very own hands that will protect the interest of the majority from these small minority of kleptocrats and ruling class who dominate our economy and continue to stay in power through suppression, repression and depression of the people. If we do not owe it to ourselves, we owe it to the younger and coming generations. We the people must be in power not some selfish and greedy individual or group of thieves.
The writer is on twitter as @AAbiolat


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