Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Health 5 Reasons Why You Should Have Fruits For Breakfast

Breakfast should be a part of one’s daily routine for a healthier life, because the body is at the height of its heaviest detoxification around this time.
Eating fruits regularly also helps the body in many ways but chiefly it is a “cleanser” that does the body a great deal. Eating fruits for breakfast –between the hours of 7-11am- when the body is heavily detoxifying ensures ‘healing energy’ is used instead of breaking down/ trying to digest heavy fatty food.
There are other five major reasons why fruits should be considered for breakfast:

  1. The fruit fibre cleanses the colon which ensures nice/ satisfying bowel movements, that leaves you light, refreshed and ready to go for the day.
  2. It is the perfect way to break the overnight fast- because of its healthy components- by rousing the body from sleep (the digestive and metabolic systems are both gently woken up). This is better than the usual cup of coffee or greasy food used to start up the body!
  3. People who take fruits as breakfast are healthier, leaner and much more productive throughout the day.
  4. The body is at its highest detoxification mode between 7-11am (just in time for breakfast). You want to make sure it gets a healthy dose of food around this time.
  5. People who eat enough fruits for breakfast don’t usually require coffee, the natural fruit sugars keep their brain sharp and energized through their day.
Get your healthy dose of breakfast on, will you!

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