
Tuesday 14 January 2014

Why Kellan Lutz Really Denied His Relationship With Miley Cyrus — Report

If Miley Cyrus and Kellan Lutz are dating, Kellan isn’t talking. Last week, Kellan assured Ryan Seacrest that there’s nothing going on between the two of them — but according to Hollywood Life, that’s not the whole truth.
Apparently, Kellan’s just embarrassed that Miley refuses to commit to him, so hardcore denying their relationship is his way of preserving his ego.
“They are still friends and might hook up from time to time but she isn’t giving into him and will not exclusively date him,” said a source close to the not-couple. “There is a reason he is denying anything happened and it’s because he didn’t get the girl.”

Okay, we know something happened — the kiss photos kind of speak for themselves. And we’re not exactly shocked by the notion that Miley isn’t willing to settle down. She just got out of an ultra-serious relationship with ex-fiance Liam Hemsworth, and losing someone that beautiful would make us hesitant to jump into another relationship, too.
But is Kellan really upset that Miley won’t sign on for something exclusive?
“It’s damage control — you can’t be the man when you have girls you like rejecting you,” the source insists. “That is a blow to the ego, but they remain friendly and might hook up if they hang out but it won’t lead to anything more.
Don’t worry, Kellan — you’re probably better off. Let Miley work out her own stuff and if it’s meant to be, she’ll come back to you… possibly swinging in on a wrecking ball.
Source: Hollywood Life

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