
Thursday 8 May 2014

ANC results inching up nicely - Mantashe

Gwede Mantashe
Gwede Mantashe

ANC secretary general Gwede Mantashe says the party’s results in the national election are “inching up nicely”.

Pretoria - ANC secretary general Gwede Mantashe says the party’s results in the national election are “inching up nicely”.

Speaking to News24 at the IEC’s national results operations centre in Pretoria, Mantashe said the ANC is watching the results very closely.

At the time, the giant screens showed the ANC had around 4 million votes in the national election, and was leading in all the provinces except the Western Cape.

Mantashe said the ANC wanted to win in all provinces. He had earlier said he was confident that the ANC would win a landslide, but was not sure exactly how large its majority would be.

 “We have put a lot of energy into the campaign,” he said.

However, Mantashe expressed concern that the DA was leading by a large margin in the Western Cape, and hoped that the ANC will do better than in previous elections.

The national results operations centre was buzzing on Thursday morning, as those gathered in the cavernous hall in Pretoria kept their eyes glued to the screens, watching as the results were continually updated.

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