
Tuesday 6 May 2014

South Africa Decides: May 7th General Elections.

Tomorrow May 7th, 2014, 25.3million registered South African voters will go to the polls to decide their political future for the next 5 years.This will mark 20 years of democracy and the 4th General Elections after the dismantling of Apartheid.

The five major parties with hope of winning tomorrow"s election are, ANC,  DA, COPE,  IFP and the EFF.
The ANC headed by President Zuma is favored to retain the presidency with 60% of the total votes followed by the Democratic Alliance, DA with 23.3% of votes. The DA headed by Helen Zille  is the second largest party in South Africa and controls the Western Cape Provinces.

There is also the EFF which was formed last July by Julius Malema. Julius Malema is a former leader of the ANCYL and is said to have charisma similar to the late Venezuela leader, Hugo Chavez. The EFF supports the nationalisation of the minning and farming sectors and Julius is a student of Zimbabwe"s President, Robert Mugabe, the EFF is likely to control 5.3% of the total votes.

We also have the IFP with 2.3% of votes a party affiliated with the Zulu tribe, there is also COPE headed by Mosivoa Lekota and Agang SA controlled by popular businesswoman, Mamphele Raphele. More pics after cut

President Jacob Zuma Of The ANC

Julius Malema Of The EFF

Helle Zille Of The DA

Mosivoa Lekota Of COPE

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