Monday 9 June 2014

Teenage girl survives botched honour killing

Saba Maqsood was shot twice, shoved in a sack and thrown into a canal by her family.

The teenager married her neighbour Muhammad Qaiser for love five days ago against the wishes of her family.
According to MailOnline after a few minutes Saba regained consciousness, then managed to climb out of the canal and approached a nearby petrol station for help.

Many conservative Pakistani families believe it is dishonourable for a woman to fall in love and choose her own husband. Women from such families are expected to agree to arranged marriages. Refusal can lead to honour killings.
The family fled the scene.

Honour based violence statistics:

These figures are considered estimates and are widely believed to be severe underestimates.  Due to lack of focused reporting and recording of honour killings internationally very little is known about the true extent of HBV worldwide.
  • 5000 honour killings internationally per year.
  • 1000 honour killings occur in India
  • 1000 honour killings occur in Pakistan
  • 12 honour killings per year in UK
Source- HBV

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