
Wednesday 4 June 2014

Things women notice about men right away

They say it only takes 7 seconds for people to make a first impression of you, so making those seconds count is very important when searching for a partner.

Contrary to popular belief women don’t notice the size of man’s pocket above everything else; there are more important factors that influence their choices.

Appearances and attractiveness: Although this may come across as shallow and superficial, looks play a great role in a woman’s choice of a possible suitor. However this does not mean that a man needs to have “Tyson Beckford” looks to make the cut. A clean, well kept man will score more points than a guy who looks like the just grabbed they first outfit they could find on the way out.

Physical stature: This depends on individual taste, some women like tall and well built men while others place less emphasis on physical stature but this is not excuse to not hit the gym. A guy with a six pack will get noticed more than one packing a beer belly.

Humour: Every woman likes a man who can make her laugh, so cracking a few jokes or throwing some compliments her way might get you those numbers you so want to have.

Confidence: Confidence is one of the sexiest assets a man can have. A man who is sure of what he wants, walks with a straight posture is a marvel to look at. Just remember to not confuse cockiness and arrogance with confidence.

Conversation: The following lyrics by rapper Dead Prez come to mind: “We could have mind sex, we ain't got to take our clothes off yet. We can burn the incense, and just chat. Relax, I got the good vibrations. Before we make love let's have a good conversation.” -  Impress her with your knowledge and intellect and she’ll be yours in no time. Do be careful not to sound like a pompous ‘know it all’.

Source- The Sowetan

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