
Monday 24 April 2017

Stick-fighting warriors down pints of cow's blood for strength before battling for the right to pick a girl from their remote tribe

A man is knocked down during a fight while the referee looks on. It is strictly forbidden to hit a downed fighter 
  • The Donga, or stick fight, is practised by Suri tribesmen in southern Ethiopia as a means of impressing women
  • The warriors will try to down nearly two litres of cows' blood but many will end up throwing it back up again
  • The winner gets to proposition a girl of his choice who will then decide to accept or reject him  More pics after cut.......
These fascinating photographs show warriors in southern Ethiopia downing pints of cow's blood before fighting each other with sticks in a bid to impress women. 
The 'Donga', or stick fight, is practised by Suri tribesmen at the end of each harvest. It combines combat with ritual and sport and aims to get young men used to bloodshed - which leaders believe comes in handy if they clash with other tribes.
Before a Donga, some Suri drink the fresh blood of their cattle. A warrior will make a small incision in the cow's carotid artery with a special sharp arrow. The tribe believe it to be full of vitamins to give fighters strength. 
The one-on-one battles take place between different Suri villages with around 20 to 30 fighters on each side. The fights can be furious and can result in death, but there are also rules in place enforced by a referee.

The 'Donga', or stick fight, is practised by Suri tribesmen in southern Ethiopia at the end of each harvest. If they win the fight - which are furious and can often result in death - they are allowed to choose their pick of a girl from the tribe
The 'Donga', or stick fight, is practised by Suri tribesmen in southern Ethiopia at the end of each harvest. If they win the fight - which are furious and can often result in death - they are allowed to choose their pick of a girl from the tribe
The women can refuse a warrior but being chosen by a champion is considered a great honour. Men who triumph in brutal and bloody donga fights are considered heroes by the rest of the village and wider tribe 
The women can refuse a warrior but being chosen by a champion is considered a great honour. Men who triumph in brutal and bloody donga fights are considered heroes by the rest of the village and wider tribe 
A tribeswoman with a lip plate wearing a skinned animal carcass on her head. While the lip plate and scaring on her shoulders might look bizarre to outsiders it is actually considered a sign of beauty among Ethiopian tribal societies 
A tribeswoman with a lip plate wearing a skinned animal carcass on her head. While the lip plate and scaring on her shoulders might look bizarre to outsiders it is actually considered a sign of beauty among Ethiopian tribal societies 
The Suri tribe inhabit the Omo Valley near Kibbish in southern Ethiopia. Children are known to decorate themselves with flowers, blossoms and green plants found around the Suri villages - although this tradition is not thought to be that old 
The Suri tribe inhabit the Omo Valley near Kibbish in southern Ethiopia. Children are known to decorate themselves with flowers, blossoms and green plants found around the Suri villages - although this tradition is not thought to be that old 
A victorious warrior celebrates after winning a fight before choosing a potential wife. Warriors always fight naked to prove that they're tough and don't need armour - although it is strictly prohibited to hit a contestant when he is on the ground
A victorious warrior celebrates after winning a fight before choosing a potential wife. Warriors always fight naked to prove that they're tough and don't need armour - although it is strictly prohibited to hit a contestant when he is on the ground
The battles can be vicious and some warriors can be killed. If a fighter dies during battle his family will be compensated. However in accordance with tribal custom the men refuse to show pain - even while bearing deep flesh wounds 
The battles can be vicious and some warriors can be killed. If a fighter dies during battle his family will be compensated. However in accordance with tribal custom the men refuse to show pain - even while bearing deep flesh wounds 
 Decoration: After completing the blood meal ritual, the warriors go and wash themselves in the river before decorating themselves with mud to enhance their beauty
 Decoration: After completing the blood meal ritual, the warriors go and wash themselves in the river before decorating themselves with mud to enhance their beauty
The Suri exist on the margins of the Ethiopian state and the capital regards them as trouble-makers. In 1994 the Ethiopian government passed laws banning stick fighting but the tradition nevertheless lives on
The Suri exist on the margins of the Ethiopian state and the capital regards them as trouble-makers. In 1994 the Ethiopian government passed laws banning stick fighting but the tradition nevertheless lives on
A warrior drains a cow's blood which will be downed by a fighter before battle. Tribesmen use a special arrow to make a small incision into the cow's carotid artery in order to make it bleed. They have to drink quickly before the blood coagulates 
A warrior drains a cow's blood which will be downed by a fighter before battle. Tribesmen use a special arrow to make a small incision into the cow's carotid artery in order to make it bleed. They have to drink quickly before the blood coagulates 
The cow will be drained of nearly two litres of blood from its carotid artery. The Suri believe the blood is full of useful vitamins which will help them fight better. Such is the importance of the rituals that cows are only killed on special occasions  
The cow will be drained of nearly two litres of blood from its carotid artery. The Suri believe the blood is full of useful vitamins which will help them fight better. Such is the importance of the rituals that cows are only killed on special occasions  
The warriors then have to drink the blood quickly before it coagulates
Often the drinker will end up throwing it back up
The warriors then have to drink the blood quickly before it coagulates. Unsuprisingly it is not easy to do and the drinker will often end up throwing it back up
A victorious fighter points his stick towards the woman of his choice. Throughout the day men are also drinking millet beer to give themselves some liquid courage. This means that fights have a tendency to get even more violent as the day goes on 
A victorious fighter points his stick towards the woman of his choice. Throughout the day men are also drinking millet beer to give themselves some liquid courage. This means that fights have a tendency to get even more violent as the day goes on 
Fighters will arrive on the field along with others from their village. They carry their strongest warrior on their shoulders. Many arrive in huge groups singing and shouting: 'I am the hero and who will fight me?' 
Fighters will arrive on the field along with others from their village. They carry their strongest warrior on their shoulders. Many arrive in huge groups singing and shouting: 'I am the hero and who will fight me?' 
A tribesman prepares for the fight ahead. Some Suri tribesmen also choose to wear colourful headresses and ceremonial straw arm cuffs (pictured on his leg) which offers them minimal protection during the fight 
A tribesman prepares for the fight ahead. Some Suri tribesmen also choose to wear colourful headresses and ceremonial straw arm cuffs (pictured on his leg) which offers them minimal protection during the fight 
Other fighters also choose to wear highly decorative necklaces to show off during the battle. Real fights can involve hundreds of warriors the Surma, and other local tribes, have been known to stage donga in groups of 10 for paying tourists
Other fighters also choose to wear highly decorative necklaces to show off during the battle. Real fights can involve hundreds of warriors the Surma, and other local tribes, have been known to stage donga in groups of 10 for paying tourists
The fighting can leave many participants with scars
Scarification is seen as a sign of beauty in Sumi culture
The fighting can leave many participants with scars. Scarification is a sign of beauty in Sumi culture and see with both men and women - who often go through elaborate scarification processes 
A young boy with flowers in his hair poses for the camera before watching the fights. There are concerns that as the southern Ethiopian area becomes more connected with the outside world tribes like the Suri will lose their cultural heritage
A young boy with flowers in his hair poses for the camera before watching the fights. There are concerns that as the southern Ethiopian area becomes more connected with the outside world tribes like the Suri will lose their cultural heritage
Besides being a courtship ritual the fights are designed to get young men used to bloodshed, which tribal elders believe  could come in useful if there is a conflict
Besides being a courtship ritual the fights are designed to get young men used to bloodshed, which tribal elders believe  could come in useful if there is a conflict
Throughout the day the men not fighting take the chance to drink millet beer and patch up their wounds. Here a fellow tribesmen shows off his rifle to another  
Throughout the day the men not fighting take the chance to drink millet beer and patch up their wounds. Here a fellow tribesmen shows off his rifle to another  
Battles usually take place between Suri villages, which can consist of between 40 and 2,500 people
Battles usually take place between Suri villages, which can consist of between 40 and 2,500 people
Suri women are allowed to have sex before marriage but must remain faithful to their husbands afterwards. They go through elaborate beauty processes including intricate scarification and hair dying  
Suri women are allowed to have sex before marriage but must remain faithful to their husbands afterwards. They go through elaborate beauty processes including intricate scarification and hair dying  
An Suri fighter with a homemade helmet. The fierce fighting is traditionally seen as a way of attracting women, and is a combination of martial art, ritual and sport. The south Omo valley has around 40 different tribes residing in it
An Suri fighter with a homemade helmet. The fierce fighting is traditionally seen as a way of attracting women, and is a combination of martial art, ritual and sport. The south Omo valley has around 40 different tribes residing in it
A fighter can challenge anyone he wants and hit any part of his opponent's body. If a fighter gets hurt he wil not be granted any form of compensation - if he gets killed his family will get around 20 cows or one girl
A fighter can challenge anyone he wants and hit any part of his opponent's body. If a fighter gets hurt he wil not be granted any form of compensation - if he gets killed his family will get around 20 cows or one girl
Lip discs are considered to be a sign of beauty, and the size can dictate the value of a dowry a father can command
Lip discs are considered to be a sign of beauty, and the size can dictate the value of a dowry a father can command
A man is knocked down during a fight while the referee looks on. It is strictly forbidden to hit a downed fighter 
A man is knocked down during a fight while the referee looks on. It is strictly forbidden to hit a downed fighter 
A tribesman cradles his AK-47 as her watches over the festivities. Shooting can break out in the donga if things get too rowdy
A tribesman cradles his AK-47 as her watches over the festivities. Shooting can break out in the donga if things get too rowdy
Spectators gather to watch the battle between Suri villages. The fights are considered a key cultural event and take place after the end of harvest
Spectators gather to watch the battle between Suri villages. The fights are considered a key cultural event and take place after the end of harvest
A woman places her necklace over a champion's stick. Donga fights attract the most beautiful girls in the area who hope to be chosen by the eventual champion. The point however is not to get married but to flirt 
A woman places her necklace over a champion's stick. Donga fights attract the most beautiful girls in the area who hope to be chosen by the eventual champion. The point however is not to get married but to flirt 
A tribesman helps a warrior armour up before a battle. The head and neck are the most vulnerable spots, and their minimum armour is designed to give them essential protection while not restricting movement  
A tribesman helps a warrior armour up before a battle. The head and neck are the most vulnerable spots, and their minimum armour is designed to give them essential protection while not restricting movement  
A young boy observes the battles from the crowd. The fights become increasingly violent thanks in large part to the tradition of stopping for regular libations to egg on the meeker men  
A young boy observes the battles from the crowd. The fights become increasingly violent thanks in large part to the tradition of stopping for regular libations to egg on the meeker men  
Warriors march to the fight, dancing and singing in huge groups. In recent years the spread of guns has undermined some of the Suri's oldest traditions
Warriors march to the fight, dancing and singing in huge groups. In recent years the spread of guns has undermined some of the Suri's oldest traditions

Source: Mailonline

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