Thursday, 31 October 2013

Queen Latifah dreams of interviewing Michelle Obama

Queen Latifah admits having Michelle Obama on her show would be a 'dream' and she has tried to entice the U.S. first lady to her set by naming part of the studio after her.
Queen Latifah admits having Michelle Obama on her show would be a ''dream.''
The 42-year-old presenter thinks the U.S. first lady would be the perfect guest for her new 'The Queen Latifah Show,' which aired for the first time last month, and has even named part of her studio the 'Michelle Obama Lounge'.

Speaking to Conan O'Brien on Tuesday night (29.10.13), she said: ''You know a girl can dream right. I think it would be awesome. She (Michelle) hasn't been there yet. The whole set is designed like my house basically. That's the concept. You know like you come in, you sit, you have dinner at the kitchen table. So I made sure there's a kitchen, you know like a dining room table so we can chit chat. Then there's the lounge where she is, which is kind of like a family room with a den.
She added: ''So that's the hope you know. That she'll come on and sit in her very own lounge designed for her.''
Fortunately, the former actress is no stranger to high profile guests appearing on her show. Superstar Dolly Parton shocked audiences last week when she performed a rap that left Queen Latifah no less than impressed.
She said: ''Lets be clear Dolly Parton is a rapper. Somewhere before all the country, I don't know what happens up there in the mountains when you're growing up, but she has been spitting rhymes for a very long time - 50 years I'd say.
She added: ''When she knew she was coming on the show, she was like, 'Oh I'll tell you what we are going to do I'm going to do my rap,' and I'm like, 'you do whatever the hell you want you Dolly Parton.' ''

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