Rwanda where I have lived since 2013, when I moved here to become an economist at its ministry of finance, is a tiny country, about the size of Munster.
Most people associate it with the horrendous genocide of 1994 – and, if
they follow African affairs in general or Bono’s Twitter feed in
particular, with its subsequent transformation into a stable state that
has lifted a million people out of poverty in the past decade – and
which also has free wifi on city buses.
Just to the south of Rwanda is Burundi, a country of a similar size and with a similar unfortunate, bloody history.
Since early 2015 Burundi has descended again into instability, with
anti-government protests, state violence and counterviolence, and even a
failed coup, as its president, Pierre Nkurunziza, seeks another term in spite of constitutional limits.
Such instability inevitably leads to a refugee crisis. Since the
beginning of the year 175,000 men, women and children have fled to
neighbouring countries. The United Nations estimates that 500,000 people
may leave Burundi if the crisis is not resolved – one in every 20
Burundians. More than 75,000 have entered Rwanda so far this year,
according to UNHCR, the United Nations refugee agency; their arrival has
added 0.7 per cent to the population.
As it became clear that Burundi’s political problems would not be
solved quickly, the Rwandan government decided to keep its borders open
and to prepare camps for the refugees. Rwanda is the most densely
populated country in Africa, so its decision to reallocate land for the camps was not a light one.
Before the 2015 influx Rwandan refugee camps were already occupied by
another 100,000 or so Congolese refugees, who have been coming to Rwanda
for years to escape violence in the east of the Democratic Republic of
Once here, Burundian children were quickly enrolled in Rwandan schools.
(It helps that UNHCR gives the
Rwandan government generous grants to
encourage this.)
Rwanda is not a perfect state: political opposition and the media are
severely restricted. But its response to a crisis in a neighbouring
country has been admirable, even if some of the motivation is an
affinity with refugees who may be of a similar ethnicity to the Rwandan
political elite.
The crisis response is hardly perfect, either: the camps are too small, sanitation is poor, water shortages are common.
Even worse, some refugees have died because of landslides during
Rwanda’s rainy season – not for nothing is the country known as the land
of a thousand hills.
Yet the Rwandan ministry of disaster management and refugee affairs –
whose very existence highlights the region’s vulnerability to
agricultural and political crises – has co-ordinated a vast, quick and
effective response for people fleeing their homes out of fear of
And it has done so with very few resources; a typical Rwandan earns about €650 a year.
Look at mass migration around the world: it is always neighbouring
countries that bear the brunt, whether Turkey as Syrian refugees arrive
today or Britain as Irish economic migrants arrive, well, any day.
This is why I find the Irish Government’s response to the European refugee crisis to be so incredibly mean-spirited.
Given our location, we will never have to do as much as other
countries. Given that we will never need to do the most, why must we do
the least?
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