Thursday 16 January 2014

Violent gang leader is back on Britain's streets after Government moves to have him deported ended in failure... because they can’t work out where he’s from

Joland Giwa is back on Britain's streets after attempts by the government to have him deported floundered amid failures to decide which country should take himA notorious gang 'general' is back on Britain’s streets after Government moves to have him deported ended in failure.
Joland Giwa, 24, whose street name is Dexter, was jailed in October 2008 for 27 months after being convicted of two robberies.
But government efforts to have him deported at the end of his sentence last year floundered amid failures to decide which country should take him.
Home Office officials have today said his movements would be closely monitored and they will continue to attempt to have him deported.
Giwa was thought to be from Nigeria or Sierra Leone, but both countries refuse to accept he is one of their citizens.
He flew into Britain from Nigeria in 1999, aged ten, without a guardian.
His parents are believed to be dead.
A High Court judge in October heard evidence that he had 'complicated speech patterns' and spoke 'south London English'.
The judge said there was a 'significant risk' of Giwa reoffending.
But he ruled he should go free if the Home Office could not deport him within three months.
Now he has been released from an immigration centre where he was placed after his jail term ended.
He is understood to have been living for the past few days in a bail hostel in Wales after being released by the Special Immigration Appeals Commission.
Giwa, who lived in Thornton Heath, south London, is the self-proclaimed ‘general’ in charge of the Don’t Say Nothing gang – known as DSN –  with a string of convictions for theft and robbery.

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