What women do or not do in bed is a huge concern for men.
A lot of men spend hours thinking why women are the way they are, why they do what they do.
Here are some of the worst things women have said/done in bed to men.
Make You Feel Like A Necrophile – You pin her down on the bed after a steamy kiss, only to realise she has magically turned into a log of wood. She takes role play too seriously. Only, there is just one role she plays each time – that of a corpse. Nothing is creepier than making love to a woman so still and silent that you’re almost able to hear the blood flowing inside your body.
Changing Their Mind Mid-Way – Nothing can be more annoying than a woman chickening out in bed. To make it worse, some of them express shock over even the thought of having sex, like watching television is what normal people do after getting naked. You keep wondering why this women undressed and let you in bed in the first place if all she had to do was play with your hair.
Bite – Even the sound of it hurts, right? We hear you. Unfortunately many women do that. And not just to your lips. Excitement is good, but a sharp stapler for a mouth is a little too much to bear. Some women just do not know how to keep their teeth off certain sensitive areas. It’s a little more hard-hitting than even what the strongest of men can take.
Look Down And Laugh – No, no, no. That is definitely the worst that can happen to you. The person who shared this story is still recovering. When he was about to have his first intercourse, his girlfriend squealed out a laugh as soon as he let his buddy out. Why she did that, nobody knows. Needless to say, the intercourse didn’t happen. Hard to believe, but a lot of men have been stabbed on their self-confidence like that.
Fake An Orgasm – Women are known to fake orgasms. What they do not understand is that most of them aren’t award winning actors. Sometimes, they overact. Letting out screams and moans at frequencies only bats can hear already when the thing isn’t even completely in doesn’t make it too hard for the dumbest among men to figure out that it’s not real.
Keep Talking – Conversations are good but some women fail to understand that there is a place and time for conversations. And the place is definitely nowhere between the sheets.
Bring Toys – Though just a few filed this complaint, it still makes it to the list of the worst things women have done to their guys.
Is It In? – Can anything be more humiliating than your woman asking you, “is it in”? This definitely beats ‘I Love You’ on the list of three words men dread to hear from their girls. Not only is it suggestive of your size being small but also your incapability to satisfy your woman. In a situation like above, you can do little but jump off the balcony.
Calling Out The Wrong Name – Imagine your girl suffixing another guy’s name to ‘don’t stop’. Can you even try to not stop? Is there anything more embarrassing? There is, its the other name being that of a woman.
Telling You She Wants To Get Pregnant – If you thought you’ve read it all, here is another one. ‘I wish the condom fails’ she may let out while you’re at it. What fails instead is your erection. She then looks at you with an eerie longing in her eyes that screams b-a-b-y. Nothing can be scarier. This is to prepare you for what may lie ahead
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