Saturday, 23 November 2013

Why Are Modern Women So Exhausted? We're now so perpetually "on" that our bodies have forgotten how to relax.

For as long as Stephanie Peterson, 25, can remember, she's lived in overdrive. The founder of a Colorado-based company that supports female entrepreneurs, she's go-go-go from morning to night, week to week, year to year. When she does get a break, she does what makes her most comfortable: She works some more.

Take her honeymoon to Antigua: The plan called for zip-lining, beach bumming, and candlelit dinners. The reality was Stephanie in her room on her laptop, overlooking the beach on which everyone else was relaxing.
Things weren't much different on a recent trip with friends to Steamboat Springs, Colorado. The group had splurged on a chalet, complete with glass elevator and hot tubs. But as everyone lounged around the living room, Stephanie kept sneaking off to her room to check e-mail. "There were a few nights where I just stayed there and didn't go back out," she says.
Some might call her a workaholic, but Stephanie contends that high gear is simply her normal speed. She's way more content being productive than sitting around "doing nothing." And she's certainly not alone: Nearly 63 percent of the women in the exclusive survey conducted by Women's Health and The Doctors said they rarely prioritize daily downtime. What's more, women spend less time on R&R than men do, and a whopping 91 percent of all millennials blow off the concept of relaxation altogether, according to Pew Research Center studies.
The trouble is, when chronically being "on" becomes normal, lulls in activity become abnormal, even uncomfortable, for the body and mind. The idea of getting some rest can, paradoxically, make women feel restless. "So many women now have a very difficult time stopping, relaxing, and getting centered," says Melissa McCreery, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and founder of And that short-circuited capacity to unwind comes at a surprisingly unhealthy price—especially when it goes unrecognized or unchecked.
The Growing Disquiet
The unwillingness-turned-inability to relax stems, in part, from shifting ambitions. Some 15 years ago, around 25 percent of women considered a high-paying career extremely important; today, 42 percent of women do. "But it's not necessarily all about the money," says Nicole Williams, author of Girl on Top: Your Guide to Turning Dating Rules into Career Success. Enter the 21st-century concept of "having it all," which feeds the mindset that every moment you take to decompress is a moment you could be using to get ahead.

Add an unstable job market to the mix, and women aren't just striving for success, says Williams. They're fighting for a competitive edge, working double time to learn as much as they can as fast as they can. This keep-up-or-else mentality blurs the line between personal and professional time, upending the notion of work-life balance, says Elisabeth Kelan, Ph.D., author of Rising Stars. As such, downtime is falling further by the wayside, and those who are pressing pause are often racked with angst: Fifty-five percent of the women in our survey said they feel guilty about taking time to relax.
Fueling restlessness even more is the fact that women are rarely unplugged. Some 83 percent of young adults have slept with their cell phones, according to the Pew Research Center, and, per our survey, 30 percent of women consider their smartphones their lifelines. "Before smartphones and social media, you could only compare yourself to those around you," says Larissa Faw, a writer who covers millennial issues for EPM Communications. "Now you can see what the entire world is doing in real time, making you constantly feel as if you should be doing more."
Being perpetually too busy is also an ubercommon way to push off tough life decisions, says Toronto-based psychotherapist Kimberly Moffit. "Women often avoid relaxing because they're subconsciously afraid that if they do, they'll come face-to-face with what's really bothering them," she explains. In other words, not having downtime equals not having to deal. But this kind of emotional evasion can be habit-forming, creating huge pileups of mental tension, warns clinical psychologist Elizabeth Lombardo, Ph.D., author of A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness. The result: a spin cycle of can't-sit-still, can't-stop-now restlessness.

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