Do you feel like your ability to focus and your supply of discipline and willpower are always dwindling by 2 p.m.?
You're not alone.
Almost everyone experiences a mid-afternoon lull: a dip in energy
levels, alertness, and concentration as part of your natural circadian
rhythm, explains Michael Kerr, an international business speaker and
author of "
You Can't Be Serious! Putting Humor to Work."
"The timing, extent, and intensity of the afternoon lull varies from
person to person, and although our lunch diet can effect it, the number
one influencer is how well you slept the night before," he explains.
Other factors, such as sitting for too long or spending too much time
on the computer, can also contribute to a decline in energy. And,
perhaps one of the most surprising causes of afternoon fatigue is having
too little work to do. "If you don't have a clear plan of action and
don't set priorities for your day, and especially for the afternoon,
it's that much easier to lose steam and feel a dip in energy," he says.
Here are seven things successful people do to deal with, or avoid, the dreaded afternoon lull: