Tuesday 14 January 2014

Game of Thrones Season 4 Spoilers: Will We See More Stannis?

When many Game of Thrones fans are discussing just who they think should sit the Iron Throne, a lot of names get thrown around: Daenerys, Jon Snow, Robb Stark (R.I.P.), but one contender who’s often left out is the man who may have the strongest claim of all, Stannis Baratheon. The reason people forget about Stannis is, well, he’s not in the show a whole lot. Plus, he’s not all that exciting unless Melisandre is doing something crazy with him.
So, will Season 4 be the one when Stannis emerges from the background and takes the lead in the “game of thrones?”
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Don’t count on it. When asked in an interview with Den of Geek if we’ll see more Stannis in Season 4, Stephen Dillane, who portrays Stannis, says simply, “More? No.” Well, that doesn’t exactly sound like a ringing endorsement for Stannis coming to the forefront. He may be being a bit modest though, because based on the books, Stannis should get to do some pretty cool stuff in season 4.
Even if we don’t get more Stannis in Season 4, we should expect him back in Season 5. Stephen says, “I know that I'll be doing Game of Thrones next season... at least I assume I'll be doing Game of Thrones next season ... I'm still there as far as I know, so I'll be doing that again.” Maybe Stannis’s role will increase in Season 5...
Source: Den of Geek

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