Monday 17 February 2014

Try doing these 7 sexercises to boost your sex life. PHOTOS

Exercises to improve your sex life

Exercising can help your body in many ways and one of them is that it'll improve your sex life. You could try these exercises or sexercises to enhance your performance in bed. More pics after cut..


It's easy and simple - and a great way to strengthen your legs and get your heart pumping. It'll also release a lot of endorphins that'll improve your mood.

The plank

The plank is one of the most popular exercises for core conditioning and it will help build resistance in the abdominal area. In order to do it, Get down in a prone position on the floor similar to the way you’d do for a push-up. Instead of your palms, use your forearms to support your weight. Make sure your arms are bent and below the shoulders. Keep your back straight and hold this position as long as possible. Try and do at least three sets of 30 seconds each.

Kegel exercises

 Once you get used to doing it, these exercises are quite simple to execute. However, you may find yourself a little confused in the beginning. We’ll explain the whole process in detail. The next time you urinate, make it a point to figure out what muscles you need to target while doing Kegel exercises. You can do so by holding your urine halfway through urination, and see which muscles are helping you stop the flow of urine. These are the muscles you’ll need to target and you’re now set to do Kegel exercises. Start by contracting these muscles and hold this contraction for as long as you can. After this, you can release these muscles. It is recommended that you repeat this exercise 10 times, thrice every day.

Push-ups and pull-ups

Working out your upper body is extremely important for your sex life. Weight training under a trainer at the gym is recommended, but if you can't do that then you could just try doing some push-ups and pull-ups at home.


Running can strengthen your leg muscles, and running uphill can shape your bum too. On top of that, it'll boost your stamina and release testesterone into your system making you feel sexier and in the mood for sex

Abdominal crunches

Belly fat can play spoilsport in your sex life. Commonly known as a crunch, this exercise requires you to sleep on the floor with both your legs folded. Then, you bring your body halfway toward your knees. This motion exerts pressure on the abs.

Play sports

 Playing sports like football and tennis will not only help exercise several muscles, it'll also boost your testesterone levels which will boost your sex life.
Source. The Health Site

1 comment:

  1. Nice post!
