Thursday 24 October 2013

Gaddafi’s widow wants dictator’s body back

late Muammar Gaddafi
The widow of former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi has demanded that the United Nations and the European Union help her recover the remains of her husband and their son Mutassim, Sky News reports.
In a letter published on the website of Voice of Russia radio on the second anniversary of the deaths, Safiya Gaddafi also called on the African Union to investigate their deaths.
Gaddafi and his son were captured and killed by rebel fighters on October 20, 2011, during the uprising that toppled his 40-year-old regime.
Their bodies were displayed in the port of Misratah and then buried in a secret desert location.
“All the members of the UN Security Council, the European Union and everyone who has direct or indirect connection with this murder must tell where the remains of these martyrs are and allow their relatives to bury them in a proper way,” she wrote in the letter.
The widow also demanded that the African Union launch an investigation into the killings, and appealed to the international community to help her contact her son Saif al Islam, who was captured by rebels in November 2011 in southern Libya.
“I demand that the world community should help me to come in touch with my son Saif al Islam, who has been isolated from all members of our family from the moment of his arrest,” she wrote.
He has been held by a group of former rebels in the western Libyan town of Zintan since his capture, and is awaiting trial over his alleged role in trying to suppress the 2011 uprising.

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